Pass the Butler
​By Eris Idle
14 - 29 March
As the action of the play moves forward from breakfast to sherry, and what follows, it becomes rapidly clear that all within the country home of Sir Robert Charles, Minister of Defence, is not as it seems. And not only is Sir Robert no longer an active force in politics, his inactivity has become a well-nigh insolvable problem. ​The many twists and turns of intrigue and deception combined with the wit of Eric Idle make for a night of guffaws and giggles.
Pass the Butler is an exciting and imaginative play with twists and turns that keep the audience umming and erring until the very last scene. Of course it's not just the edge of your seat suspense that the audience enjoys, but also the well scripted Monty Python-esque humour that Idle has perfected so well.